Mom's key to keeping it sane : Venting
When you find out you are pregnant you go through a
rollercoaster of emotions that may go from elation to dread and everything in between. You are starting one of the most important transitions in your life and it is only the beginning.
Think of it. You are building a person; Your body is transforming; Your image of yourself is evolving as much as your position in your family’s dynamics. Your relationship with your spouse is also shifting in to the next chapter. Your lifestyle will dramatically change and is all part of becoming a parent.
As you can well imagine It is natural to feel overwhelmed or frustrated at times and here is where venting comes in.

What do I mean by venting? Venting is, essentially, acknowledging emotions that you are experiencing, "warts and all" . Sharing your emotions automatically makes them lighter. it gives you a different perspective and it allows you to have space to come up with your own answers. Maybe you already have the solutions but emotions need to be expressed and acknowledged.
All you need a willing, empathic ear or ears and a good dose of humour.
This may look like a playdate or dinkies with girlfriends or a zoom call or even a phone call will do. As long as it is in the spirit of venting, and not fixing.
Keep in mind that Moms usually always find answers or ways of coping with events and situations in their lives. When moms need counsel or help, they can, and usually do, find a way to get it. This has little to do with venting.
Venting is all about expressing, finding humour or shared "outrage" about things or people that are happening in your life.
A good venting can keep depression at bay.
Who are the people you can vent with?
Your spouse, your sister, that friend that finds humour in everything, your hairdresser or groups of moms with similar experiences. How to have a good venting session
- No judging - No fixing - No taking things personally - Lots of humour, laughing, even cackling
- some tears - Mild cursing is allowed. (strong only if needed) - Discretion (what happens in venting Stays in venting. - Comforting drinks are a plus ( hot coco, tea, chardonnay etc)
Venting may start at pregnancy and will save your sanity in the early years of parenting. Make sure you make time for it.
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash